Our Community
Local Businesses
Check out these businesses who are all an important part of the Coon Lake Beach Community!
Walleye Catch & Release
The Coon Lake Improvement Association has worked closely with the Minnesota DNR and local area fisherman on walleye stocking programs for Coon Lake. Previous stocking efforts by CLIA have been approved by the MN DNRand have proven to be successful. Therefore, the MN DNR is proposing to stock walleyes and implement a 17" minimum walleye harvest length for walleyes caught in Coon Lake.

Cans For Kids
Cans for kids is a program sponsored by the Coon Lake Community Center that Collects Aluminum Cans.
The Proceeds are used for children's activities such as Halloween and Christmas Parties.
Please drop off your aluminum cans at the Large Recycle Bin in the Coon Lake Community Center Parking Lot.